Graphic Design

Photography, Typography,

Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign Layout

“I Shoot SF” Cover Photo Golden Gate Bridge

“Spare Change” Article spread : photography, layout, digital typesetting.

"Unmerciful" Ad Satire: Photoshop

"Forgotten" Veterans & PTSD Poster: Photoshop

“As Above So Below "Spider Woman and the Magnetosphere” : Offset print

“Earthquake Preparedness Chart” : icon illustration, layout, typesetting

“Modernism” A study in the Geometric Modernist typeface: typesetting

“What Type Are You” and “Book Reviews”: InDesign layout & typesetting

"I Shoot SF"

San Francisco Photography Lovers Magazine

"Spare Change"

Magazine Spread for "I Shoot SF"


Ad Satire

Forgotten Veterans with PTSD Poster

As Above So Below

Spider Woman in the Magnetosphere

  • Hopi Cosmology Meets Heliophysics

Earthquake Preparedness Info Chart

Earthquake Preparedness Info


A Study in Geometric Modernist Typeface


An InDesign Exercise 1


An InDesign Exercise 2


An InDesign Exercise 3


An InDesign Exercise 4