Hand Drawn Illustration

pencil, colored pencil, charcoal, graphite, ink, guoache, watercolor

The Library of Alacazandria


Moon Flower


Moon Flower


Moon Flower

#2 Pencil

Lost Highway


The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

Watercolor, Ink

Evan’s Stone


Song for a Dying City

Graphite, Pencil & Sharpie

Young Bob Dylan


The Exobiologists Field Notes

Animalia Fantastica of Orogen 5

The Sapient Silver Weaver Wind Fox

(Corvailurus iguanidae sapiensis)

The Bombyx argentii caterpillar creates silk from silver molecules embedded in Argentium trees, which are only found on Orogen 5. This intelligent quadriped weaves silver threads from the silk and then twines them around tree branches to create a wind-harp. Together with the wind, the Silver Weaver plays the harp. The sound cymatics move the hearts of all who pass by.

Watercolor & Sharpie